Mar 20, 2013

Tablecoth house / Casa-mantell

Aitana loves her letterbox / A Aitana li encanta la seua bústia
I'm still keeping up with posts I wanted to write and I didn't have much time to. This is the tablecloth house I made for Aitana as a Christmas present. I spent some nights sewing against the clock after Aitana went to sleep in order to have it ready before Martí was born. In spite of what it might seem, it wasn't that hard to do, really. But, on the other hand, since I usually get trapped in the "want-to-do-it" instead of getting into action, I'm glad I managed to do it in the end!!
As in many other projects, my inspiration came from Pinterest.

Encara estic escrivint entrades atrasades, que volia haver escrit fa un temps. Aquesta és una casa-mantell que vaig cosir per a Aitana. Va ser el seu regal del Pare Noel. Vaig passar unes quantes nits cosint a contrarellotge durant un parell d'horetes després de que Aitana es dormira. Volia tindre'l preparat abans de que nasquera Martí. Encara que parega molta faena, no va ser tan dur, de veres. De totes formes, estic molt contenta d'haver sigut capaç d'aconseguir-ho perquè, sovint, me quede en el plànol de "m'agradaria fer açò o allò" i mai passe a l'acció. Aquesta vegada vaig proposar-m'ho i ho vaig començar i acabar!!

Com en tants altres projectes, la meua inspiració va vindre de Pinterest.

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cris!
    Thanks so much for sharing your brilliant table cloth house, you did a fantastic job!
    And congratulation on the arrival of Marti!
    ~ joey ~
