Aitana: "Mum, come here, look!"
Jo: "Has posat totes les pinces a la voreta de la caixa"
Me: "You have placed all the pegs along the border of the box"
Aitana: "Sí. Anem a veure si brillen"
Aitana: "Yes. Let's see if they glow"
Si volem preservar l'interés natural dels nostres fills/filles per explorar el món que els envolta, hem de fer-los saber que les seues preguntes i inquietuds són significatives i ténen un valor. Aquesta és la manera de promoure aprenents de per vida.
If we want to preserve our children's natural interest towards exploring the world around them, we must let them know that their questions and enquiries are meaningful and have a value. This is the way to encourage lifelong learners.
Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris
M'ha agradat molt aquesta última entrada, breu, discreta i molt significativa. En efecte, no hem de fer babaus als nostres fills dint-los de seguida molt bé, sinó acompanyar el seu esperit creatiu mostrant interés pel que fan. Gràcies per tindre tanta paciència.
ReplyDeleteGràcies per acompanyar-me en aquest camí.
DeleteYou are such a wonderful mother and you are growing your child up with love and passion for learning and family. This blog will be a blessing for many mothers that search for ideas to help teach their children how to do for themselves in a fun way! Blessings, Karen
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouraging comment. Your course has been a blessing and I'm sure it will leave an imprint in our daily lives.
DeleteI send you a big hug from Spain