The invitation.
La invitació
Aitana has a "travelling folder" at school which comes home with a proposal and goes back to school with whatever outcome it sparked. In this case, the folder contained the worksheet you can see in the photo (the lyrics of a popular song and a picture).
I thought my invitation would be appealing enough for Aitana to start creating something with the proposed materials displayed on the table.
Aitana té una "carpeta viatgera" a l'escola, que arriba a casa amb una proposta i es torna a l'escola amb qualsevol resultat que haja sigut inspirat pel seu contingut. En aquest cas, la carpeta contenia la fitxa que es pot veure a la foto (la lletra d'una cançó popular, EL Gegant del Pi, i una imatge).
Vaig pensar que la meva invitació seria prou atractiva per a Aitana com per començar a crear alguna cosa amb els materials proposats.
The most appealing item for her was the mirror. She sat down immediately and, after asking it "Who's the fairest one of all?", she started... PAINTING THE WORKSHEET!!! L'element més atractiu per a ella va ser l'espill. Es va asseure immediatament i, després de preguntar a l'espill "Qui és la més bella?", va començar a... PINTAR LA FITXA!!!
Sir Ken Robinson came immediately to my mind. Although I know that, what really matters is the process, and not the product, and although I believe that we are all creative, I must admit I got a bit disappointed, but I didn't force her to stop doing what she was into. When she finished I admired the colours she had chosen and how she had combined them.
A few days later, I read this book: Raising a Creative Kid: Simple Strategies for Igniting and Nurturing that Creative Spark, by Jillian Riley and I learned some key aspects of what creativity means.
To be continued...
De seguida em va vindre al cap Sir Ken Robinson. Encara que sé perfectament que allò més important és el procés, i no el producte; i encara que crec que tots som creatius, he d'admetre que em vaig sentir un poc decebuda, però no vaig insistir-li en que deixara de fer el que estava fent. Quan va acabar, vaig admirar els colors que havia triat i com els havia combinat. Uns dies més tard, vaig llegir aquest llibre: Raising a Creative Kid: Simple Strategies for Igniting and Nurturing that Creative Spark, de Jillian Riley i vaig aprendre alguns aspectes clau del que significa la creativitat.
Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris
Quina risa! és veritat, jo crec que la meua filla haguera fet algo semblant...Et recomane la peli "la educacion prohibida" la pots veure sencera en youtube, encara que et deixa una angoixa (almenys a mi!).
Havia sentit parlar d'aquesta peli. He vist el començament i, com tu, imagine que em deixarà un gustet agre-dolç; no sé si vull vore-la tota... De vegades la sobreinformació resulta un poquet angoixant.
DeleteDear cris, I am here from the comment you left at my blog. When my daughter was a bit younger, I use to plan more activities for exploration of various media. Lately I have introduced more structured activities for her. Have noticed that she can follow instruction now and expect a result herself. Like she would say let's make a bird today and then we would browse through the material that we have to make one. So it will take time and eventually you will take the structured route too without interfering with the creative independence.
ReplyDeleteHi Mansi,
DeleteThanks for your kind advise. Very helpful!