Jan 10, 2012

Montessori from the Start

I've recently discovered Dr Maria Montessori and I must say that I am absorbed by her findings, philosophy, way of understanding childhood, deep concern for children, etc. I must also say that the way she understands how children develop is very much in tune with the way we are educating, nurturing and bringing up our daughter.
Yes, I am one of those moms who practices attachment parenting (before even knowing it was called like that). I am one of those moms who breastfeeds her daughter, not because of what paediatricians or doctors may say, but because I just ENJOY it. I am one of those moms who cosleeps with her baby, because I want to, and also for practical reasons (see breastfeeding).
And I love it when I read about someone who had such a devoted love of children like Dr Maria Montessori.
I recently bought this book: Montessori from the Start and I am fascinated by it. How can someone in the early 1900s be so right in the 21st century?
Soon, I am going to write another post on the first chapter in this book, so that you can have a broad idea about its content. In this way, I will oblige myself to sit down and do things, instead of getting lost in the theory jungle.
So, coming soon,... Introduction (a brief description of the Montessori approach and why it succeeded).

Recentment he descobert la Dra. Maria Montessori, i he de dir que estic absorbida per les seues troballes, la seua filosofia, la seua manera d’entendre la infància, la seua preocupació per les xiquetes i xiquets, etc. També cal dir que la manera com entén el desenvolupament de les xiquetes i xiquets està molt en sintonia amb la manera com entenem l'educació i la criança de la nostra filla.

Sí, jo sóc una d'aquestes mares que practica la criança natural, o "crianza con apego" en castellà (abans de saber tan sols que es deia així). Jo sóc una d'aquestes mares que alleta la seva filla, no pel que els pediatres o els metges poden dir, sinò perquè m'agrada. Jo sóc una d'aquestes mares que fa collit amb el seu bebé, perquè vull, i també per raons pràctiques (veure alletament).

I m'encanta quan llig sobre algú que tenia tal dedicació per les xiquetes i xiquets, com la Dra. Maria Montessori.

Fa poc vaig comprar aquest llibre:
Montessori from the Start i estic fascinada. Com pot algú a principis de l'any 1900 tindre tanta raó i ser tan actual en el segle 21?

He decidit escriure un post sobre el primer capítol d'aquest llibre, de manera que pugueu tindre una idea del seu contingut. D'aquesta manera, vaig a obligar-me a seure i fer coses, en lloc de perdre’m a la selva teoria.

Per tant, molt prompte, ... Introducció (una breu descripció del mètode Montessori i per què va tindre èxit).

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris


  1. This was the book that sparked my interest in Montessori and I have found it extremely useful because like you I wanted to just get going with what I felt was right rather than mulling over tons of theory. Every single activity that was suggested was perfect for my children and we all benefited from it.
    Rachael (from little red farm)

    1. Thanks for your comment, Rachael. I'll be glad to hear more recommendations on books from you.

  2. I have to get this book! Thanks for your recommendations.

