Aquestes són algunes de les maneres en que hem passat aquestes vacances. Ja sabeu de la meua preocupació pel tema de la TV i els seus efectes negatius. De vegades ens resulta molt difícil de gestionar. Tenim els nostres dubtes, intentem negociar i trobar una sol.lució conjunta, però Aitana pareix estar prou capficada amb la tele últimament i de vegades ha sigut prou difícil trobar alternatives convincents.
Taking a swim, playing by the sea, or going to the mountain.
Fer un banyet, jugar a la vora de la mar o anar a la muntanya.
Crafting with a variety of materials (the more, the better)
Fer manualitats utilitzant una varietat de materials (com més, millor)
"Look, mummy, a whale!"
"Mira, mare, una balena!"
Practicing fine motor skills.
Practicant motricitat fina
Homemade plasticine with a sensory touch (lemon scent)
Plastilina feta per mamà amb un toc sensorial (olor a llima)
Watercolours on whatever surface (including daddy's foot) / Aquareles en qualsevol superfície (el peu del pare inclós)
Reading, reading, reading, reading... "ad nauseam" / Llegir, llegir, llegir, llegir, ... "ad nauseam"
And taking walks by the sea, jumping on the sofa, meeting friends, spending time with grandparents, eating out, ... EXHAUSTING!! I passejar a vora mar, botar al sofà, quedar amb amics, estar amb els iaios, dinar per ahí, ... ESGOTADOR!!
Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris
Thank you for your comments over at THH. It is wonderful to "know" you and share with one another through our blogs.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh when I saw your post today. I just started drafting a post about TV alternatives here. Yours are much like ours. :) We did a cool thing the other night you might like which I haven;t had a chance to blog about yet: take a strong magnet, put it under a metal cookie tray or aluminum pan that has a paper taped on it. Then take a metal ball, dip it into paint and use the magnet to move it around to paint. So fun!
Thanks for your suggestion. We'll definitely try it. You're right, it's wonderful to "know" people from so far away and to realize that we have things in common and that we can share so much.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading your post about TV alternatives and how you handle it.
Thanks Cris for this post. It is reallly interesting. There some creative moments I did not know... I am taking some of your ideas for my kid.
ReplyDeleteBesos, Montserrat Reyes
I'm glad that you liked it. Your blog is really helpful and interesting too.
ReplyDeleteUn beset,