Feb 7, 2012

Montessori giveaway

I've just discovered this blog in which this mum offers the chance to win a giveaway Montessori online course with Karen Tyler. I'll make use of the translator in order to have a more in-depth look at it. This mum is currently taking the above mentioned online course (she also won it on a giveaway), so I'm sure she's putting into practice what she is learning!

Acabe de descobrir aquest blog on aquesta mare ofereix la possibilitat de guanyar un curs Montessori online impartit per Karen Tyler. Vaig a tirar mà del traductor i pegar una miradeta més exhaustiva a les seues entrades. Aquesta mare està fent aquest curs (també el va guanyar en un sorteig online), així que estic segura de que està posant en pràctica tot el que està aprenent! 

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris


  1. Good luck! You can also win by entering here - http://pinkprincesskingdom.blogspot.in/2012/02/giveaway-karen-tylers-montessori.html

    1. Thanks so much for the info.I've already subscribed via email to your blog and am going to have a more detailed look to the most popular posts.
