May 18, 2013

Frugal pastimes / Passatemps frugals

We've been a bit busy getting ill during the last 3 weeks. Aitana and Martí have been taking turns in getting a cold + high temperature + runny nose + cough + watery eyes + diarrhoea + soar throat. And this is how we have spent our time.

Hem estat un poc ocupats posant-nos malalts durant les últimes 3 setmanes. Aitana i Martí han estat turnat-se per a tindre un refredat + calentura + mocs + tos + ulls plorosos + diarrea + mal de gola. I així és com hem passat el temps.

Making flowers with egg cartons and pipe cleaners.
Fent flors amb cartrons d'ous i neteja pipes.

 Filling up our art appreciation wall with new, open ended masterpieces. Find the templates here.
 Omplint la nostra paret de l'art amb noves obres d'art de composició oberta. Les plantilles les podeu trobar ací.
Doing some bookmarks and learning about shapes, circles and fractions. If you like Ed Emberley's books, or would like to know about his Picture Pie books, I invite you to read what my blog-friend Joey has published over at this blog.
Fent marcapàgines i aprenent sobre formes, cercles i fraccions. Si us agraden els llibres d'Ed Emberley, o voleu saber més sobre els seus llibres Picture Pie, us convide a llegir el que la meua blog-amiga Joey ha publicat a aquest blog.
By the way, have you noticed that Aitana, in spite of being ill, never forgets about elegance and princessly manners? She likes wearing her Cinderella costume, or her Ralph Lauren dress (which she inherited from a cousin) even though she must stay at home wearing her pyjamas underneath. Isn't she trendy?
Per cert, us heu donat compte de que Aitana, tot i estar malalta, mai s'oblida de l'elegància i dels seus afers de princesa? S'ha de posar el seu vestit de la Ventafocs, o el seu vestit de Ralph Lauren (que va heretar d'una cosina) inclús per a estar en casa amb el pijama baix. No direu que no marca tendència la meua xica? D'ací, a la Cuore!!!

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cris!
    Just checking in this weekend and was so happy to see your comment! I love seeing photos of your children busy creating! I'm glad that you enjoyed the activity and thanks so much for linking it to your blog!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~ joey ~
