Jun 14, 2012

Fascinated by Reggio Emilia / Fascinada per Reggio Emilia

I've recently discovered the Reggio Emilia Approach and I must say that I am fascinated by it. I'm trying to read and learn as much as I can about it, but consistency is not one of my virtues. Actually, I'm reading 5 books at the same time. Two about Montessori, another one about bilingualism, another one about Reggio Emilia (In the Spirit of the Studio) and A. S. Neill's book about Summerhill. I have them scattered in different rooms of the house and I read them whenever I have a spare minute. I know it would be more practical to read one book at a time, but they are too interesting to choose one!! In any case, I am aware that I will have to change my technique one day or another.

Well, the thing is that, since I read Bringing Reggio Emilia Home, by Louise Boyd Cadwell, I'm trying to present Aitana with as many media (or languages) as possible.

Recentment he descobert l'enfocament ReggioEmilia, i he de dir que em té fascinada. Estic intentant llegir i aprendre tant com puga sobre ell, però la consistència no és una de les meues virtuts. En realitat, estic llegint 5 llibres a la vegada. Dos de Montessori, un altre sobre bilingüisme, una altre de Reggio Emilia (In the Spirit of the Studio) i el llibre sobre Summerhill de A.S. Neill. Els tinc dispersos en diferents habitacions de la casa i els llegeisc cada vegada que tinc un minut lliure. Sé que seria més pràctic llegir un llibre només, però són massa interessants com per triar un!! En qualsevol cas, sóc conscient que hauré de canviar la meua tècnica un dia o altre.

Bé, la cosa és que, des que vaig llegir Bringing Reggio Emilia Home, de Louise Boyd Cadwell, estic tractant de presentar a Aitana tants mitjans de comunicació (o llengües) com siga possible.

Home-made plasticine, toothpicks and petals. Plastilina feta per mi, furgadents i petals de rosa.

Clay.      Argila

Fingerpaints in our light table.                    Pintura de dits an la taula de llum. 

Plasticine, beach sand, shells and water. Plastilina, sorra, petxines i aigua. 

Watercolours         Aquarel.les

As Louise Cadwell often points out in her book, "all children have the right to work and play with a wide range of the highest-quality materials in the highest-quality settings".

Com diu sovint Louise Cadwell al seu llibre, "tots els xiquets i xiquetes ténen el dret de treballar i jugar amd una àmplia varietat dels materials de la millor qualitat en els ambients/espais de millor qualitat"     

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris


  1. Oh, this sounds like me a year or two agao, but I was not as good at applying what I read as you seem to be! How I lvoe the Reggio AND Montessori approaches, but how lousy I am at creating the environment I know I should offer my children to truly grow in these methods... I am thinking of getting the Language of Art out again and trying those explorations with the kids. Have you read it?

  2. Thanks for your encouraging comment. You made me laugh at the though of you having a thousand books to be read, like me!! I've often told you how inspiring you are to me, so you can't be doing it that lousily...
    I haven't read about that book, and can't remember if you've written about it. Can you tell me the author? Is she Ann Pelo?

  3. Yes. It's Ann Pelo, and it is a wonderful step-by-step, yet with cretaivity incorportated book. I have reserved it from lirbary interloan twice an am ready tpo psuchase it now as I'd like to keep it handy all year round.

    And, thank you. I am glad I can inspire you. That's the beuaty of blogging - LOL - we can insprie without horrifying. Look at the background of the pcis on my blog an you mgiht find the horrible mess I cannot always crop out. :) The attempts I make at creatign the environment I seek are real and last -- but never for that long. Decluttering is defintitely in order so they can last longer.
